Sustainability Summit

Why 10-Star Homes Will Become The Norm In Residential Design. But How To Get There?

The National Construction Code requires all new homes meet a minimum 6-star energy rating. But for a growing number of new homeowners and builders, aspirations lie beyond the 6-star horizon. Many have their sights set on a 10-star energy-rated home and all the benefits that come with it. To date, Australia boasts 14 accredited 10-star energy-efficient homes. So, what exactly does it take to achieve this energy rating on a new home?

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this presentation you should be able to:

  • Outline what is involved in achieving a 10-star energy-efficient home
  • Understand the importance of striving for further efficiencies given our harsh environment.

(Competency codes: PC 10, PC 31, PC 33, PC 45)

This session offers one formal CPD point.

Ticket Information

2024 Early bird discount tickes are available now.


Adrian Light

ONE20 Group Architects


Ché Wall

Flux Consultants


Kerry Clare

Clare Design


Geoff Marsdon

Bondor Metecno


John Dalla Via


