Sustainability Summit

Testing windows & doors for increased sustainability in design

Building Code of Australia (BCA), window manufacturers are required to supply windows and glazed doors that meet mandatory minimum specifications for structural sufficiency and water penetration resistance under Australian Standard (AS) 2047, Windows in buildings, selection and installation. Energy efficiency provisions state that windows performance data must be determined in accordance with the guidelines of the Australian Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC). So how is window testing done, who does it, what are the most common tests and can window test results be a portal into increasing the energy efficiency of a building.

At the end of this panel, attendees will be able to:

  • Name some of the common tests used in window manufacture in Australia
  • List at least 3 energy efficiency provisions that windows and doors need to meet as per the BCA and the NCC
  • Name at least 3 different types of windows used in Australia
  • What are some overseas windows testing methods not currently used in Australia?

Competency Standard – Design: Coneptual Design
Relates to: 3.4 Design response incorporates assessment of relevant legislation, codes and industry standards.

Ticket Information

Registered ticket holders can login now to watch the 2024 Summit.  Tickets can still be purchased for the entire Summit with access to on demand until 14th February 2025


Cecelia Wells

Jackson Teece


Darren O’Dea




Jo Gillies

Archisoul Architects


Matthew Leishman

Capral Aluminium


Russell Harris

Australian Window Association


Steve Woolcock

Technical Protection Systems

