Winter Architecture is a collaborative studio directed by Jean Graham, a registered architect with 11 years experience within the architectural profession and 11 years within academia, educating young, aspiring architects. Jean is passionate about environmental, social and economic sustainability for both her clients and practice. Within every design is the careful consideration of meeting the client’s needs within a sustainable framework, responding to the unique locality of the site and the growing needs and desires of occupants within the reality of tight budgetary restrictions. Jean advocates architecture as an opportunity for everyone, not just those with money. She also believes that sustainable design is fundamental to the future of Architecture and the planet. And takes every opportunity to further educate herself and share her knowledge with colleagues, clients and contractors. The Winter Architecture team are from a multi-disciplinary background with many of its staff collaborating from a distance, located all across Australia. The unique arrangement of a design studio evokes a diverse appreciation and approach to design. The practice has adopted an online mode of working, in order to engage and collaborate with each other remotely. This approach enables the practice to directly engage with a range of localities and to not be bound by the fixed nature of a traditional studio.