
Geoff Hanmer

Geoff Hanmer

Geoff Hanmer is the Managing Director of ARINA, an architectural consultancy. ARINA delivers projects throughout Australia and the region.

He is a member of the AIA and registered as an Architect in NSW, Victoria and Tasmania.

Geoff is an Adjunct Lecturer in Structures and Construction for the Architecture Program at UNSW and is co-ordinator for the UG component of the Structures and Construction course.

He carried out a major research project on failures in multi-unit residential construction on behalf of the NSW Building and Construction Council in the mid 1990’s and has had a deep interest in the construction of multi-unit residential housing ever since. The book resulting from this research, ’The Quality Guide to Medium Density Housing’ was published by the BACC with over 50,000 copies printed. Since Opal, he has written a number of articles for ‘The Conversation’ and has been a regular commentator in the media on building failures.

Geoff has written many articles and conference papers on the history of construction, particularly the history of construction in Australia.

His research thesis for his MSc in Architectural History at the Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning in London was on the construction of speculative housing around interwar London.

