Welcome to the Sustainability Awards and Sustainability Summit Partner Portal. Promote your involvement in the Sustainability Awards and Sustainability Summit program by using the assets created for you.
There are packs available for Sustainability Summit Speakers, Shortlisted Entrants, Jurors and Partners. Go to the section that reflects your involvement in the program.
Select the resource you’re after, below. Simply click to download the assets. Use existing social tile and story assets on your social platforms, or create your own assets using the Sustainability Awards and Sustainability Summit logo, and ‘Badges’ created for your use over images or creative of your choice.
For a visual guide on how to use these assets, click here.
Remember to tag #SustainabilityAwards and #SustainabilitySummit and mention us @architectureanddesignaustralia Link to: www.sustainablebuildingawards.com.au