Biography Lee is co-director of Dunn & Hillam Architects, which was founded in 2001 with Ashley Dunn and is established as a practice with expertise in heritage, regional towns, arts and culture and sustainability. From October 2016 through to April 2019 Lee worked in a variety of roles at GANSW centred around Design Excellence and was instrumental in producing the Design Guide for Heritage for the Office of Environment and Heritage. Lee has worked for Richard Leplastrier, Architect as a student and graduate architect and Jeffrey Broadfield as a carpenter. Lee is an Adjunct professor at UTS, contributes regularly to Parlour and to Architecture Australia and participates in competition juries and design review panels. Lee sits on the Board of Southern Cross Housing, a community and social housing provider. Company Profile Dunn & Hillam Architects produce sophisticated, innovative and award-winning architecture, masterplans, strategic frameworks and design excellence strategies for government, community and NGO clients, private clients and like-minded commercial organisations. Dunn & Hillam Architects were established in 2001 and work on projects throughout Australia. We are proud to be a certified B Corp. B Corporations represent an emerging group of companies that are using the power of business to create a positive impact. Our buildings derive their beauty from a strong response to context, site and climate, clever spatial design and thoughtful construction and detailing. Our aim is to produce honest, beautiful and practical architecture that is of an international standard, whilst being distinguishably Australian. We believe in architecture as an agent for positive change.