Hope St Housing

MDC Architects & Officer Woods

This medium-density housing project in White Gum Valley comprises 28 diverse terrace houses and walk-up apartments, expanding the housing options available in the area while allowing smaller households to enjoy the established amenities of the suburb. The design thoughtfully integrates with its surroundings, optimising solar access for each dwelling and prioritising deep soil planting and landscaping to support large trees and enhance rainwater retention. The project follows a “landscape first” approach, providing 60% open space across the site, which contributes positively to the urban tree canopy and local biodiversity.

The development balances diversity in unit size and type with a cohesive overall design, featuring two rows of north-facing homes that are well-lit and well-ventilated. The careful planning of generous setbacks and high permeability throughout the site has helped to garner community acceptance of this denser housing model. The project demonstrates that it is possible to double housing density in a low-rise suburban setting while maintaining a gentle approach that respects the local context. Key design strategies include embracing openness through wide verges and front gardens, integrating large native trees, using low-maintenance materials, and creating welcoming entry points that foster community interaction and passive surveillance.

Photography by Rob Frith-Acorn Photography