Category Criteria


Emerging Sustainable Architect/Designer

The most exciting sustainable architect/designer over the past 12 months who has influenced and changed the world of design by their drive for the environment.

Candidates will be asked to demonstrate:

  • How the candidate has provided leadership within the profession
  • Promotion of appreciation and advancement of architecture in Australia
  • Demonstration of how they have promoted architects in the community
  • Describe in detail one project the candidate has worked on that provides a clear picture as to how the he/she understands the concepts of sustainability.
  • Describe the candidate’s ambition and future goals in the area of architecture and/or design

Category open by nomination only.

Lifetime Achievement

A person who has over their career, shown exemplary efforts in advancing the progression of the sustainable built environment in Australia.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is open to an individual, design firm or building products company and presented in recognition of outstanding leadership and contribution to the field of sustainability for more than 15 years. This may be a new product innovation, new knowledge, or new ways to improve a design that has been deemed to be above and beyond the everyday with a long lasting impact in the built sector.

Candidates will be asked to demonstrate:

  • How the candidate has provided leadership within the profession
  • Promotion of appreciation and advancement of sustainability in Australia
  • Demonstration of how they have promoted architects in the community
  • Describe in detail one project the candidate has worked on that provides a clear picture as to how the he/she understands the concepts of sustainability.


Commercial Architecture – Large

A Class 5, 6, 7 or 8 building used for professional and / or commercial purposes of over 500sqm in floor size.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the commercial building category include:

  • Form, technology, material used and big picture thinking.
  • The design will represent an example of functional sustainability in a commercial context, while also being responsive to its physical locality.
  • The design will adhere to or expand upon best practice sustainability outcomes while ensuring that an optimum work environment has been achieved.
  • Ideally, it will demonstrate a new direction or a new model for sustainable design in a commercial context.

Key considerations: innovation, functionality, expertise, measurable sustainable qualities in the medium- to long-term.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Commercial Architecture – Small

A Class 5, 6, 7 or 8 building used for professional and / or commercial purposes of under or equal to 500sqm in floor size.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the commercial building category include:

  • Form, technology, material used and big picture thinking. The design will represent an example of functional sustainability in a commercial context, while also being responsive to its physical locality.
  • The design will adhere to or expand upon best practice sustainability outcomes while ensuring that an optimum work environment has been achieved.
  • Ideally, it will demonstrate a new direction or a new model for sustainable design in a commercial context.

Key considerations: innovation, functionality, expertise, measurable sustainable qualities in the medium- to long-term.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Education & Research

A childcare centre, preschool, primary, secondary or tertiary educational facility or a faculty where an educational institution is a partner.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and architectural firms located within Australia are eligible. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the education & research category include:

  • An original approach to addressing issues of sustainability through design and integrated technology.
  • The building will demonstrate both immediate and ongoing functionality and performance in the context of sustainability within the educational environment.
  • Improved outcomes for both the environment and the building’s users / inhabitants will be proven.
  • The design will align with – or improve upon – established best practice sustainability principles from design (e.g. material sourcing) through built outcomes (e.g. data that supports ongoing performance).
  • The building will also specifically respond to its immediate locality and the uses of the building as contained in the client brief.

Key considerations: brief, originality, immediate functionality and ongoing performance, sustainable materials and technologies, relevance to context, high levels of research, longevity of both building and sustainable outcomes.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Multiple-Residential Dwelling

The design of a new townhouse, duplex or residential complex that contains multiple residential dwellings. Projects nominated under this category must be classifiable as Class 2 or Class 3 buildings.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and architectural firms located within Australia are eligible. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the multiple dwelling category include:

  • The design will demonstrate sustainable functionality and performance while servicing the needs of multiple residents.
  • The design will align itself with or expand upon best practice sustainability principles and demonstrate innovation in the way it approaches sustainable living, building and design.
  • Ideally, the building will suggest a new direction in sustainability for our future cities by solving common sustainability challenges faced by industry and the broader public in the context of multi-residential.
  • Ergonomic issues and specific user needs will be resolved in an original, empathetic, and long-term manner. Sustainability and user outcomes will be supported by data.

Key considerations: originality and innovation, liveability, functionality and performance, high levels of research, longevity, breadth of approach.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Single Dwelling – New

The design and construction of a single-residential building to which a Class 1a Building category is applicable.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and architectural firms located within Australia are eligible. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the new single dwelling (new) category include:

  • A design that demonstrates a balance between dual considerations of usability (as outlined in the client brief) and ongoing sustainability outcomes.
  • The design will be original both in its response to the client brief and in the way it tackles issues of sustainability as related to single dwelling homes.
  • The design will represent a holistic and innovative approach to achieving best practice sustainability outcomes: from material sourcing to implementation and the building’s ongoing maintenance.
  • The design will enhance levels of liveability and make sustainability approachable and easy to maintain within a residential context.
  • A high level of research into materials and technologies will have been used, and sustainability outcomes will be supported by data.

Key considerations: response to client brief, originality and creativity in tackling challenges, high levels of liveability, long-lived and easily maintainable solutions, relevance to context, high levels of research.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Single Dwelling – Alteration

Extensions and/or alterations to at least 50 percent of a Class 1a building.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the single dwelling (alteration) category include:

  • A design that demonstrates a balance between dual considerations of usability (as outlined in the client brief) and ongoing sustainability outcomes.
  • The design will be original both in its response to the client brief and in the way, it tackles issues of sustainability as related to single dwelling homes.
  • The design will represent a holistic and innovative approach to achieving best practice sustainability outcomes: from material sourcing to implementation and the building’s ongoing maintenance.
  • The design will enhance levels of liveability and make sustainability approachable and easy to maintain within a residential context.
  • A demonstrable improvement to previous sustainability outcomes will be supported by data related to building performance.

Key considerations: innovation and originality, response to client brief, high levels of liveability, long-lived and easily maintainable solutions, relevance to context, high levels of research, holistic view of sustainability measurements.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Adaptive Reuse – Alteration/Addition

Recognises the adaptive reuse of a building (heritage and/or new) that has minimal impact on the historical significance of the building and its setting, while also pursuing a design that is sympathetic to the building in order to give it a new purpose.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the Best Adaptive Reuse category include:

  • Form, technology, material used and big picture thinking. The design will represent an example of functional sustainability in a commercial context, while also being responsive to its physical locality.
  • The design will adhere to or expand upon best practice sustainability outcomes while ensuring that an optimum work environment has been achieved.
  • Ideally, it will demonstrate a new direction or a new model for sustainable design in a commercial context.

Key considerations: innovation, functionality, expertise, measurable sustainable qualities in the medium- to long-term.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Landscape & Urban

A building or amenity design which primarily services, or is used, by the public (except educational facilities) that adheres and promotes to the concepts of sustainability, renewability and regenerative design.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the Best Landscape & Urban category include:

  • The design will demonstrate sustainable functionality and performance while servicing the needs of its inhabitants.
  • The entry will exhibit both a high level of research as well as a high degree of originality.
  • In both function and concept, the design will be innovative while also demonstrating a new direction in sustainability for our public structures, and by extension, our future cities.
  • All the sustainability and user outcomes will need to be supported by data.

Key considerations: immediate functionality and ongoing performance, integrated sustainability aspects, long-term thinking, relevance to context, high levels of research, serviceability and public amenity.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Interior Design

A renovation or fit-out of the interior of an existing building where the sustainable design is involved with such factors as determining the efficient and effective use of space, selecting construction materials that offer low environmental impact and lowering pollution, waste, and the lowering of the overall energy consumption.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. The interior design project will need to demonstrate both sustainable functionality, innovation and performance.

  • The project will need to contribute to contemporary interior decoration practice.
  • The project will need to show what it is designed to achieve in terms of sustainable outcomes
  • The entry will need to describe how does it advance interior decoration practice?
  • All the sustainability and user outcomes will need to be supported by data.

Key considerations: functionality and ongoing performance, integrated sustainability aspects, long-term thinking, relevance to context, serviceability and human amenity.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Public Building

A building or facility or artwork which primarily services or is used by the public except educational facilities. This can include hospitals, medical centres, sports ovals and facilities, transport hubs, parliament houses, zoological gardens, museums, government department buildings and religious structures.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. Outside of these preliminary requirements, the qualities and characteristics of nominations under the Public Building category include:

  • The design will demonstrate sustainable functionality and performance while servicing the needs of its inhabitants.
  • The entry will exhibit both a high level of research as well as a high degree of originality.
  • In both function and concept, the design will be innovative while also demonstrating a new direction in sustainability for our public structures, and by extension, our future cities.
  • All the sustainability and user outcomes will need to be supported by data.

Key considerations: immediate functionality and ongoing performance, integrated sustainability aspects, long-term thinking, relevance to context, high levels of research, serviceability and public amenity.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Hospitality & Tourism

Examples of Hospitality & Tourism Design include projects that help create locally owned business and employment opportunities, environmentally friendly operations, education and awareness programs, energy and resource conservation, and waste & carbon dioxide reduction.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All projects and design firms located within Australia are eligible to enter. The project will need to demonstrate both sustainable functionality, innovation, and performance.

  • The project will need to contribute to the contemporary design of the venue
  • The project will need to show how the design helps achieve sustainable outcomes
  • The entry will need to describe how the design advances the hospitality experience for patrons All the sustainability and user outcomes must be supported by data.

Key considerations: functionality and ongoing performance, integrated sustainability aspects, long-term thinking, relevance to context, serviceability, and human amenity.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia, and must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

International Design

Awarded to the best environmentally responsible designed project from around the world.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

  • Recognises the design and environmental qualities of a building that is located outside of Australia, while also pursuing a design that is sympathetic to its local surrounding in order to give it a new purpose

  • The qualities and characteristics of nominations under the International Design category include: – Form, technology, material used and big picture thinking.

  • The design will represent an example of functional sustainability in a commercial context, while also being responsive to its physical locality. – The design will adhere to or expand upon best practice sustainability outcomes while ensuring that an optimum work environment has been achieved. – Ideally, it will demonstrate a new direction or a new model for sustainable design in a commercial context.

Key considerations:innovation, functionality, expertise, measurable sustainable qualities in the medium- to long-term.

To be eligible for this category your project must have been completed between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024.

Best of the Best

The Best of the Best is selected from among all the category winners on the basis of both sustainable outcomes and aesthetics and/or innovative design principles.


Green Building Material

A building product that is renewable, rather than non-renewable, environmentally responsible and where the impact is considered over the entire lifetime of the product.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

Key considerations: use of sustainable /green building materials, longevity, a holistic approach to sustainable (as demonstrated through materials etc.), relevance to context, empathetic to user considerations, high levels of research into use of resources, translatable concepts.

To be eligible for this category your product must be available for use in/supplied for Australian projects.

Small Sustainable Practice

This award us open to all architecture and design firms with 10 or less staff and recognises and rewards their achievements including those that demonstrate alignment with the UN 17 SDGs by integrating sustainability principles and practices across business activities and outcomes, such as sustainable energy, climate resilience, environmental and social best practice, environmental and social innovation, and gender and economic inclusion.

Category Criteria

Is your submission suitable for this category?

All design firms with 10 or less employees and that are located within Australia are eligible to enter.

  • The firm will need to show alignment with most of the UN 17 SDGs……..The firm will need to show how it has promted social best practice in terms of gender and other inlcusivity
  • The firm will need to show what it has designed to achieve in terms of sustainable outcomes……the firm will need to provide examples of where it has changed existing practices to those that have measurable outcomes across business activities and outcomes, including sustainable energy, climate resilience, environmental progress and staff wellbeing.
  • The firm will need to describe how does it advance water, and waste reduction, energy savings and lowering their carbon footprints throughout their practice?
  • All the sustainability and other outcomes will need to be supported by data and other evidence.

Key considerations: functionality and ongoing performance, integrated sustainability aspects, long-term thinking, relevance to context, inclusivity and human amenity.

To be eligible for this category your project must be located in Australia and have less than 10 employees.

